Received an awesome NFT from YAY and didn't see it in your wallet? Check out our collection and make sure you've added the correct address.

If you're using MetaMask:

In MetaMask Extension

Please note that while you can add NFTs as custom tokens in the extension, you will not be able to see them natively in the UI.

In MetaMask Mobile

MetaMask Mobile displays NFTs under Collectibles. Please remember that some NFTs will not show up on the mobile app under Collectibles, or may not show up correctly.

If your NFT doesn't show up automatically, try the following to make it appear:

  1. In MetaMask Mobile, tap on the 'NFTs' tab, scroll down and tap on the "+ ADD NFTs" link. Paste the NFT's address from your clipboard into the "Address" box.

  2. Find the NFT's ID. A collectible's ID is a unique identifier since no two NFTs are alike. You can find ID in BSCscan in the ERC-721 TokenID section.

  3. Paste the ID into the box marked "ID" in MetaMask Mobile, tap on the "ADD" button, and your NFTs should appear under the NFTs tab.

If you're using Trust wallet

Your NFTs will be displayed in the "Collectibles" section. To find it, you need to click "Wallet" and then pick "Collectibles".

Not sure what's the smart contract is? Check YAY Collections:

1. Celebration NFT for first $YAY investors

Name: Crypto enthusiast

Description: One small NFT for YAY, one giant leap for GameFi

Contract address: 0x6070269183717F99A4c4AfC0f8478E1BD247E63c

2. "I want to believe in YAY" collection

Name: F

Description: Fear no more

Contract address: 0x9EcB808067505c5fc1dbDBc3B6223583D1e3AfF2

Name: O

Description: Off the air

Contract address: 0x9EcB808067505c5fc1dbDBc3B6223583D1e3AfF2

Name: M

Description: Missing trails of YAY

Contract address: 0x9EcB808067505c5fc1dbDBc3B6223583D1e3AfF2

Name: O

Description: Out of this world

Contract address: 0x9EcB808067505c5fc1dbDBc3B6223583D1e3AfF2

Last updated