Introducing ZEUS

All new IGO will be released on Zeus 3.0. Follow YAY in Telegram, Twitter and be the first to know when Zeus 3.0 will be launched.

Introducing ZEUS — the beginning of IGO’s on YAY Games

“ZEUS” is the YAY Games Launchpad for Initial Game Offerings (IGOs) for both the Avalanche and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) ecosystems.

The demand for gaming projects has been through the roof, which has led us to accelerate the whole process. Soon our community will have the opportunity to receive allocations for upcoming blockchain games through ZEUS.

YAY Games placed a larger focus on offering pre-sale and private rounds instead of public rounds. Thus, allowing users to invest in projects at earlier stages and reap greater rewards. This decision is aligned with our vision to incubate projects, helping them grow from embryonic stages to full-fledged games.

By choosing YAY Games, projects will receive funding and valuable support from our team of experts. Our goal is to facilitate the crypto integration process through various smart contracts, bridges, and support for gamification and play-to-earn. We also offer support in terms of collaborations, making relevant introductions to valuable partners.

The goal is to establish long-term partnerships and support for all our incubated projects. After thorough research, the best projects will be launched on ZEUS and integrated into our decentralized marketplace. In doing so, projects are instantly available to a broad audience and have multiple opportunities to raise awareness and token utility.

The new Pool system: Two Pools, higher chances, higher rewards

1: “Heroes” — for high-stakers: This pool is created to make sure that top YAY holders have beneficial terms for participating in IGOs. Leaderboards with the highest stakers will be live on our website, and before the launch of every new IGO, we’ll calculate the exact number of tier participants according to the allocation available for each project. Based on the amount of YAY you deposit, you’ll be included in one of four tiers:

  • Tier 1: “Hercules” (Top 25 Stakers) The highest stakers will join Hercules. Accordingly, one hundred winners will be split between the four following tiers, with twenty-five users for each tier. Tier 1 participants will receive a 100% guaranteed spot in the upcoming IGOs and buy the maximum tokens available per person.

  • Tier 2: “Perseus” (TOP 26–50 Stakers) Perseus is the tier for the next twenty-five participants. From the second tier onwards, allocations will be lower. This model will benefit whales who stake $YAY regularly, leaving an opportunity for big stakers to get a place in our IGOs. In addition, only 95% of participants will make it into the final tier list.

  • Tier 3: “Argus” (TOP 51–75 Stakers) The following twenty-five users will be selected for Argus. For this tier, the likelihood of getting an allocation will be 90%. For instance, if we pick 80 holders at first, only 72 will get an allocation in the end. Participants will be picked randomly.

  • Tier 4: “Minos” (TOP 76–100 Stakers) The last 25 participants will join Minos. 85% will receive a guaranteed allocation in the IGO. However, every tier participant will also have a chance to get an additional allocation in our lottery.

Please note, every staking period for our following IGOs will be 14 days. In case of any new rule or update regarding specific changes, we will inform you through our socials. We hope to have your continued feedback to keep improving our platform.

Pool 2: “Muses” — for lucky stakers Through a VRF (Variable Random Function), we plan to make IGO participation accessible for our main source of inspiration — our community. The goal is to give every supporter a higher chance to participate in our sales.

We hope you’re all excited about what’s coming, but please note that it’ll take some time to implement them all, so a few of the closest IGOs might not have all the features we described in this article. But we can ensure that our team is working on full-gas to deliver you the best IGO platform in the cryptosphere. One of our main priorities is to make sure our system has beneficial opportunities for every YAY supporter.

We can’t wait to see you in the new era of decentralized gaming, gangsters😎

How will RUN IGOs

Let’s start with an overview of the IGO mechanics we’re implementing. As we explained we’ll have 2 main pools: Heroes and Muses. Heroes pool is divided into 4 tiers with 25 participants each, top-100 participants will be picked based on the amount of staked YAY tokens. “Muses” pool, on the other hand, will be accessible for any YAY staker out there.

Here are the main stages:

  1. Every participant (both in “Heroes” and in “Muses” pools) who would like to participate in any IGO has to submit a pending order for buying an available allocation (the exact size depends on the IGO terms, tier level, and pool).

  2. We gather this data and send a request to VRF (Variable Random Function) to create the final list of tier participants according to the chances for every tier. For instance, tier 1 participants have a 100% likelihood to get into the final list, while tier 3 stakers have 90% chances, so we’ll send a request to VRF to randomly select 3 people, whose orders won’t be processed in full. But don’t worry, we prepared a little something for these.

  3. Based on the size of the allocation available after “Heroes” orders are accepted, we calculate the final number of Muses participants with a very simple formula: Allocation size/minimum ticket size = number of Muses pool participants, keep reading.

  4. Once we have the final number of participants, we forward the list of all stakers in Muses pool to VRF and request them to randomly select participants, whose orders will be processed. This way, every staker has an opportunity to participate in the IGO. We’re crediting newly bought tokens to lucky participants and returning funds to pool members whose orders weren’t executed according to the final list we receive from VRF.

How do we keep it fair?

Fair is a strong word, but it’s the direction our moral compass leads to. Here are the main safety measures we implemented in our system:

The number of Heroes Pool participants will remain 100, so it’s easy to follow and check the possibility of getting into the “Heroes” pool regardless of the IGO we run. It would be unfair for top-stakers not to have a proper chance of participating in IGO. Do you remember tier participants excluded by VRF? Here is the deal: every tier participant, whose order wasn’t executed in full, will become a “Muses” pool participant and receive a guaranteed minimum allocation.

Every YAY supporter should have a chance to unlock IGO possibilities, and we want to make sure that it’ll be anybody’s game. VRF will pick the final participants randomly, so every yay gangster can become the lucky holder of a new token.

Why is this solution beneficial?

At first glance, it might seem like we’re overthinking something that should be a standard scheme, but we strongly believe that this model is capable of satisfying the needs of our community. By bringing VRF solution to the table, we’re making sure that our IGOs is fair and transparent;

By guaranteeing a minimum allocation for tier participants, we’re making sure that it’s interesting to be in top-100 stakers and increasing the demand for YAY;

By giving everyone the same timeframe for participation, we’re making sure that processes are well synchronized, and we don’t have any redundant or overly time-consuming steps;

By registering pending orders before confirming them, we’re making sure that the IGO project will raise enough funds and will be satisfied with the results. Outcomes of such satisfaction are simply incalculable: with a chain of success stories, we’ll be able to attract larger projects and negotiate better deals for our community.

How to use ZEUS

Before sale

Before the sale start, you will see a timer on the project card with a countdown.

If you haven't staked YAY, there will be a "Stake now" button. It allows you to stake YAY and participate. If you have already staked, you'll see the tier and chance.

The Heroes pool displays chance in %, The Muses pool chance is "Based on Variable Random Function".

By clicking "View more," you can see detailed information about the project.

Snapshot time

The Snapshot phase starts one hour before the sale to create the final list of tier participants according to the chances for every tier.. Staking YAY during this phase, you will not be able to participate in the current IGO.


Your tier, allocation chances and a timer with a countdown end of the sale appear on the card after the sales begin.

  • Click on "View more" to participate in the sale.

At the end of the Lottery, your tier, chance, and allocation are listed on the project page.

  • Click the "Buy" button and wait for the result!

Processing results

The Processing results phase starts at the end of the sale. After it you will know if you won or not.


After the Processing results phase, you will see a timer on the card with a countdown to the end of the TGE. Click on "View more."

If you bought tokens but didn't get into the allocation, your status will change to "lose," and the "Claim AVAX" button will become available to refund your money.

"You won" will appear if you win.


Vesting and claiming will become available after the TGE phase.

  • Check the project card and click "Claim tokens" to get the tokens.

At the vesting end, you will see the Completed status.

If you still have tokens, click on "View more." and "Claim tokens" to get them, and participate in the next IGO!

Last updated

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